Difficult to get loans from banks as Technology companies are perceived to be of higher risks.

TeAM 10 лет назад обновлен Prathaban Raju 10 лет назад 1
In my first business the banks wanted to see at least 2-3 years of credit history and company accounts. One can hardly call themselves a startup after that period of time and if you haven't achieved a sustainable business model by then, probably its time for a exit strategy or you have some big plans for expansion. But then again...why commit yourself to debt.
My biggest roadblock in my second business is trying to get grants. I can't even get a response from the so called ministries and bodies set up to assist startups/SMEs...
Every door that i knock on seems to be closed. I met a journalist that told me most of these startup face the same problems...so what is the role of these bodies such ANGEL/SEED and how are we supposed to get their attention?

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