Your comments

This is my answer,

We have competent talent base if they have good incentive to not migrate from Malaysia
We can attract foreign talents here. Malaysia is hours flight from beautiful holiday spot
We are a country with diverse culture & perspectives. Good for innovating ideas, testing for bigger markets & attracting foreign talents.
Malaysia is Truly Asia. A good place to test idea & become logistical hub in preparation to go regional (look at jobstreet & grabtaxi)
Hours away from regional and asian investors like Singapore, China, Korea & Japan. 

I'm aware the above is not as action oriented like 'Provide incentives to attract scientists, firms and users' but what we need to do is to tell a story that sells Malaysia because unless what I said above is wrong, Malaysia is lacking in marketing and selling itself.

I agree! In university, entrepreneurship means 'selling fruits or cakes at a stall'. We are not thought the Business Model Canvas. Many 'entrepreneurship' events are usually more motivation talks. Again, Business Model, Revenue Channel & Pricing Models are rarely heard.

We need more classes & events that specifically teach us Lean Model Canvas and focus on the business side and not the technical & coding part...

Below is the best we have in terms of the 'flow' of classes to graduate...