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Also, sorry to be open here.
Magic suppose to be help local Entrepreneurs, money should spend wisely on all activities to help growth the communities, 

For what I see, that's a lot of Money throw it for the opening (I am OK with Magic do needs spotlight), but what the needs to spend money to throw in another "Appreciation Party"? As you are celebrating a success already..  

Does "Magic" knows how to run Lean?
Pal, just put my thot here, as a Malaysian Entrepreneur (We are going Global, btw)
Without solving this fundamental problem, Magic will be just like MDec, a lot of "Wu Ha",  at the end, created a lot of white elephants, wasting Tax payer money.
Don't care about the programming,  as long as it keep project/services going, I am still using the Good old Java.
for Magic to really happen, especially to support Malaysia Startup, I think the most important things for our Government to be transparent and Clean.

Not sure if you aware of this, few years back, we have a Safety App call "MyDistress", sponsored by PDRM Selangor, it's free to use, and so far, very effective app, as it direct link to Police Selangor..

Then our Government decided to kill the project, and started a New App call "SaveMe999", Project Cost-> RM 1 billion, without open tender, and not asking us "Watch Over Me App" to submit proposal, An App that have won Several International Awards (Including best Startup at Silicon Valley at 2012), and features in number of TV in US.  

We aren't given chance to proof ourself..

How can we compete and growth in this environment?